07 . 31 . 2022

Thanks for visiting my portfolio! It's my pleasure to share this glimpse of what I do with you.

I'm currently seeking opportunities to apply my expertise in a challenging, growth-oriented position as a user experience designer. I have a demonstrated wealth of experience designing digital solutions that directly affect the experience of end users. Currently, I am actively designing and implementing a user research program for Crestron Electronics to support the design of improvements to the existing Crestron website and the development of new tools that better serve our clients. Directing this project as an intern has been a deeply instructive yet familiar experience. I am applying familiar tools, methods, and frameworks, including user interviews, card sorting, and tree testing, in a
fast-paced and constrained environment. But I am eager to see the fruit of this work in improved client engagement and testimonies of better web experiences soon.

I also recently concluded a three-year-long thesis project aimed at encouraging user-designer collaboration and equipping student designers to make
research-informed decisions. More specifically, I examined how a designed virtual reality prototype can help architecture students negotiate the design of the built environment in a more experiential way. This thesis was recently approved and has been deposited in the University of Illinois IDEALS repository. However, this is not accessible to the general public. So I'm designing a self-published version that will be available digitally soon. I'm looking forward to seeing the impacts this thesis will have on the education of future architects.

For more information about my background, please find my complete CV.

Thank you.

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